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Aluminum Core Radiators with Plastic Tanks

Views: 2     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-11-17      Origin: Site


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Aluminum Core Radiators with Plastic Tanks

Aluminum core radiators with plastic tanks are a common choice in many modern vehicles due to their numerous advantages such as lighter weight, lower manufacturing cost, efficiency, and good heat transfer capabilities.

Here is some more detailed information:

 Material: The core of these radiators is made of aluminum and the tanks at the sides are made of high-grade plastic. The combination of these two materials results in a fairly lightweight and efficient component.

Plastic Tanks

 Construction: The aluminum core radiator is typically composed of multiple rows of aluminum tubes and fins that increase the surface area for heat dissipation. The plastic tanks are connected to either end of the aluminum core.

 Function: When the engine is running, it generates heat which is absorbed by the coolant flowing through the engine. This heated coolant is flowing from the inlet of aluminum core radiator. As the coolant passes through the aluminum core of the radiator, it transfers the heat to the aluminum. The heat is then dissipated by the aluminum, which cools the coolant before it returns to the engine.

 Design Advantages: Plastic tanks are less expensive and easier to mold into complex shapes, which in turn  efficient using the space of the engine bays. And at the same time, an aluminum core serves as a good conductor for heat exchange.

 Economical: This combination of plastic and aluminum is both economically feasible and functionally effective, making this type of radiator a common choice in modern vehicles.

While aluminum core radiators with plastic thanks might not be as robust as older copper/brass models or as high-performance as all-aluminum models, they strike a good balance in terms of performance, weight, and cost for use in most standard cars and light trucks. However, one disadvantage is that the plastic can become brittle over time and may crack, causing leaks. Aluminum cores can also be susceptible to corrosion if the coolant isn't changed regularly or if an improper coolant type is used.

To handle the pressure and heat of the coolant, the plastic tanks are typically made from high-density polymers. Using plastic reduces the overall weight of the radiator, which in turn helps improve the vehicle's efficiency. The setup is designed such that the aluminum cores conduct and dissipate the heat while the plastic tanks are primarily there to act as a reservoir for the coolant.

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